Accommodation Services
CODECA established the Accommodation Services Unit in October 2019 as a housing solution for mainly immigrants and asylum seekers.
Our purpose is to provide access to affordable, decent accommodation for vulnerable and socially excluded groups to ensure their right to live with dignity, security, and recognition of their individual value.
Our main goal of the Accommodation Facilities operation is to ensure an environment of protection, care, and the smooth integration of its residents into society.
We also foster freedom of movement and expression, promote self-care and offer them the opportunity to participate in educational, recreational, social and self-developmental activities.
The residents primarily receive housing, nutrition, and access to healthcare. In addition, we sustain them with psychosocial support, we empower them toward independent living, inclusion, and integration within society.
On the basis of the technical specifications (set by the Social Welfare Services), we provide adequate and appropriately designed accommodation with privacy and personal space.
These Facilities accommodate are equipped with the necessary amenities for a smooth and comfortable experience. In each Facility, people also enjoy common spaces or secure and large perimetrical garden with plants to play and entertain.
Moreover, each Facility has separate bathrooms and WCs for men and women in order to ensure their privacy and prevent any gender-related issues.